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World markets dive as Trump sparks trade, North Korea worries

Global stocks sank Wednesday after US President Donald Trump said he was not satisfied with talks that are aimed at averting a trade war with China. Equities were also dented by poor eurozone economic data, and as Trump cast doubt on a planned summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. “Trump (is) continuing to drive uncertainty over global trade,” said analyst Joshua Mahony at trading firm IG. “European markets are following their Asian counterparts lower, as a pessimistic tone from Trump is compounded by downbeat economic data,” he added. Markets had surged Monday after US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He said they had agreed to pull back from imposing threatened tariffs on billions of dollars of goods, and continue talks on a variety of trade issues. However, Trump has declared that he was “not satisfied” with the status of the talks, fuelling worries that the world’s top two economies could still slug out an economically pain

NSE Wants Indigenous Engineers To Drive Infrastructural Development.

Mr Emeka Ugoanyawu, the Chairman of Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) Imo branch, says indigenous engineers should be given the opportunity to drive the infrastructural development in the country.

Ugoanyawu made the call while addressing engineers in Imo during the society’s New Year forum with the theme: Engineering Intervention for Sustainable Development”.

He called on both federal and state governments to use indigenous engineers’ professional to not only develop infrastructures but to ensure sustainability in the execution of projects.

He said infrastructural engineering projects in most states were being carried out by mediocre and non-professionals who did not possess engineering principles, supervision and monitoring skills.

Ugoanyawu urged government at all levels to see NSE as partners and major stakeholders in the development of the nation.

“The first second and third industrial revolution have come and gone and now the fourth revolution is on course and we have been left behind.

“The fourth industrial revolution is bringing together physical, biological and digital system to completely change mankind, while driver-less vehicles and artificial intelligence are already with us, yet we are still talking about things that will not move us forward,” he said.

He therefore urged engineers in the country to rise up to the occasion to save the nation from backwardness as a result of lack of development.

Ugoanyawu said engineers must ensure leaders were responsibility of their actions and inaction by doing the right thing themselves to show good leadership.

Mr Ossai Obiako, a fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Structural Engineers blamed some of the failed projects in Imo on non-involvement of professionals in such projects.

He insisted that an integrity test be conducted on the two flyovers in Imo, adding that a preliminary investigation had faulted the flyovers.

“We have numerous failed projects in Imo and we as professional body is calling on the state government to work with us to find lasting solution to these problems,” he said.

He said the two flyovers had failed because they could no longer serve their purpose and the only solution was to take remedial action by subjecting them to integrity test for the safety of the masses.

Obiako however cautioned pedestrians against using the flyovers until they were certified fit by professionals.

A team of Council for Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) led by its National President, Mr Kashim Ali had earlier faulted the integrity of the two bridges during their visit to Imo.
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